Bootstrap : Leader in front End Frameworks

Hi There! Hope you are doing well. If you are a web developer, it is impossible that you have not heard or used Bootstrap CSS framework. Bootstrap is most loved CSS framework among developers. Let us explore bootstrap today. What is bootstrap? As per Wikipedia definition : Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end web framework for designing websites and web[…]

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Google introduce new Color Picker Tool

Google has introduced new Color picking tools as part of it’s material design guidelines. The new tool can be accessed at Material design website. In addition google has also provided Material design component.  The new tool is based on Web Content Accessibility guidelines and it automatically evaluates the legibility of text inside your color scheme.   I hope you would find above[…]

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12 Userful Command Prompt Tricks

Hi! Welcome to WebTech blog, remember Windows Command Prompt (the command line interpreter) ? same old black and white boring interface. We can make it fun too. Color You can change Color of Command Prompt Application. Just write help color on the command prompt. Provide your background and foreground color combination and you are ready to go. Is’nt it interesting?[…]

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Application Security : Top Threats

Continue from my previous Post  : Threats and Risks The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is non profit charitable community focused  on improving the web application security. OWASP is not associated with any commercial organization , to provide impartial, practical information about AppSec to individuals, corporations, universities, government agencies and other organizations worldwide OWASP has identified following top 10 Web Application Threats :[…]

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Application Security : Threats & Risks

With the advent of Web technologies, we have extended the reach of our Applications to thousand of users. This has been tremendus achievement, but similarly there have been various incidents where site is hacked or application usage and data had been compromised.  What are these Threats, how to classify them, how to identify the risk and mitigate the risk. Let’s[…]

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What’s WebTech blog, why another blog

Hello Readers! I am Jitendra Chaudhary, having experience of over 28 years in IT Industry, mainly in Software development using various technologies. Presently employed with Oil and gas major in Kuwait. When I was thinking of this blog and spoke to few of my friends, all were asking, why another blog? When all are leaving blogging, why you want to[…]

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