Web Services Part I – SOAP

Hi All! , hope you are doing well. Let us today discuss Web Services, History, importance and usage and Web Service Security. We shall also discuss various kinds of Web Service and their applicability. What is a Web Service? Web service is a software system or service, to interact with another system. In a Web technology HTTP is also a[…]

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Commonly Used Agile Project Management Terms

Hi All!, In our previous post, we talked about Project Management using PMI methodologies.  There is one more emerging methodology very popular nowadays, called Agile Project Management. The Agile management refers to iterative approach from project concept design to final delivery to the client.  As per Wikipedia definition : Agile management, or agile process management, or simply agile refers to[…]

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HTML5 the Game Changer

Hi! There! Let’s talk about HTML5 features today. Before HTML5 default markup language for the web, it was published by World Wide Consortium (W3C) in October 2014. HTML5 replaces all previous versions of HTML/XHTML and DOM Level 2 HTML. It has provided various new features to with simple tags to design complex web applications. Many new syntactic  features handle various[…]

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