Application Security : Focus Area

In our previous posts we talked about type of Threats and discussed in details Top Threats for Web Application security. Today we shall talk about the points a developer should consider while security Applications. Focus Area Website Authentication Resource Authorization Input Validation & HTTP validation and encoding Parameter Handling Session Data Handling Sensitive Data Protection Web Services Exception Handling Web Config[…]

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Application Security : Top Threats

Continue from my previous Post  : Threats and Risks The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is non profit charitable community focused  on improving the web application security. OWASP is not associated with any commercial organization , to provide impartial, practical information about AppSec to individuals, corporations, universities, government agencies and other organizations worldwide OWASP has identified following top 10 Web Application Threats :[…]

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Application Security : Threats & Risks

With the advent of Web technologies, we have extended the reach of our Applications to thousand of users. This has been tremendus achievement, but similarly there have been various incidents where site is hacked or application usage and data had been compromised.  What are these Threats, how to classify them, how to identify the risk and mitigate the risk. Let’s[…]

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