120 Artificial Intelligence Tools which can change your Everyday Life.

Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives, impacting various industries and revolutionizing the way we live and work. From voice assistants to recommendation systems, AI tools are making our daily tasks easier and more efficient. In this article, we will explore 120 AI tools that can change your daily life for the better.Productivity, video, and[…]

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Web Series Review : Kohrra (Netflix)

Kohrra is a slow-burning murder mystery that unfolds in the hinterland of Punjab. The series follows two police officers, Balbir (Suvinder Vicky) and Garundi (Barun Sobti), as they investigate the brutal murder of a non-resident Indian man, Paul Dhillon (Vishal Handa). The case is complicated by the fact that Paul’s best friend, Liam (Ivantiy Novak), is also missing. The series[…]

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Google Bard now Support 40 Languages

Google Bard, the AI chatbot from Google AI, has just added support for 40 new languages. This brings the total number of languages that Bard supports to over 40, including Arabic, Chinese, German, Hindi, and Spanish. In addition to adding new languages, Google has also made a number of other improvements to Bard. These include: These new features make Bard[…]

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Web Services Part I – SOAP

Hi All! , hope you are doing well. Let us today discuss Web Services, History, importance and usage and Web Service Security. We shall also discuss various kinds of Web Service and their applicability. What is a Web Service? Web service is a software system or service, to interact with another system. In a Web technology HTTP is also a[…]

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Commonly Used Agile Project Management Terms

Hi All!, In our previous post, we talked about Project Management using PMI methodologies.  There is one more emerging methodology very popular nowadays, called Agile Project Management. The Agile management refers to iterative approach from project concept design to final delivery to the client.  As per Wikipedia definition : Agile management, or agile process management, or simply agile refers to[…]

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HTML5 the Game Changer

Hi! There! Let’s talk about HTML5 features today. Before HTML5 default markup language for the web, it was published by World Wide Consortium (W3C) in October 2014. HTML5 replaces all previous versions of HTML/XHTML and DOM Level 2 HTML. It has provided various new features to with simple tags to design complex web applications. Many new syntactic  features handle various[…]

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Bootstrap : Leader in front End Frameworks

Hi There! Hope you are doing well. If you are a web developer, it is impossible that you have not heard or used Bootstrap CSS framework. Bootstrap is most loved CSS framework among developers. Let us explore bootstrap today. What is bootstrap? As per Wikipedia definition : Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end web framework for designing websites and web[…]

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Google introduces Open Source Website

Google has introduced Google Open Source Website , and opened doors to thousands of projects and million lines of code for the benefit of developers community.  The website showcases all google project initiatives, codes and release management and many more. It shows strong commitment from Google towards Open Source. Projects includes Cloud, Data Analytics, Database, Developer Tools, Games, Internet of Things,[…]

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