120 Artificial Intelligence Tools which can change your Everyday Life.

Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives, impacting various industries and revolutionizing the way we live and work. From voice assistants to recommendation systems, AI tools are making our daily tasks easier and more efficient. In this article, we will explore 120 AI tools that can change your daily life for the better.Productivity, video, and[…]

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Google Bard now Support 40 Languages

Google Bard, the AI chatbot from Google AI, has just added support for 40 new languages. This brings the total number of languages that Bard supports to over 40, including Arabic, Chinese, German, Hindi, and Spanish. In addition to adding new languages, Google has also made a number of other improvements to Bard. These include: These new features make Bard[…]

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Google Chrome Developer Tool (DevTool)

Hi There! Hope you are doing well Debugging of Javascript code is always a nightmare for developers, Isn’t it? Google has provided a very robust web authoring and debugging tools , built into Google Chrome itself. I use Google Chrome as my default browser and big fan of Chrome Developer Tool. How to Access DevTool There are multiple ways to access[…]

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Google introduce new Color Picker Tool

Google has introduced new Color picking tools as part of it’s material design guidelines. The new tool can be accessed at Material design website. In addition google has also provided Material design component.  The new tool is based on Web Content Accessibility guidelines and it automatically evaluates the legibility of text inside your color scheme.   I hope you would find above[…]

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