JCWebtech now on Google Play Store

Hi There! I am glad to share the news that JCWebTech is available as Android Application on Google Play Store. Application has same look and feel as of Website. Now you can access it on your mobile/Tablet and other android devices. I am working on other variants like Apple Store, Windows and Blackberry version, will keep you posted. Application does[…]

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Bootstrap : Get Started

Hi All! Hope you are doing well. In our last post, we talked about Bootstrap framework and promised to discuss more details about Bootstrap in coming posts. Bootstrap itself is so vast, that it can not be covered in one or two posts. Therefore we shall split the discussion one or two elements at a time. This post is second[…]

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Google Chrome Developer Tool (DevTool)

Hi There! Hope you are doing well Debugging of Javascript code is always a nightmare for developers, Isn’t it? Google has provided a very robust web authoring and debugging tools , built into Google Chrome itself. I use Google Chrome as my default browser and big fan of Chrome Developer Tool. How to Access DevTool There are multiple ways to access[…]

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Bootstrap : Leader in front End Frameworks

Hi There! Hope you are doing well. If you are a web developer, it is impossible that you have not heard or used Bootstrap CSS framework. Bootstrap is most loved CSS framework among developers. Let us explore bootstrap today. What is bootstrap? As per Wikipedia definition : Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end web framework for designing websites and web[…]

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Regular Expressions

Hi All, Hope you are doing well. Let’s talk about Regular Expression today. What is Regular Expressions or Regex Regular Expressions or Regex or sometime called relational expressions are a special text pattern text string, commonly used for Search or validation. Most of the programming languages provide RegEx validations. As per wikipedia definition. In computing, regular expressions provide a concise[…]

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Google introduce new Color Picker Tool

Google has introduced new Color picking tools as part of it’s material design guidelines. The new tool can be accessed at Material design website. In addition google has also provided Material design component.  The new tool is based on Web Content Accessibility guidelines and it automatically evaluates the legibility of text inside your color scheme.   I hope you would find above[…]

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Top 10 online learning sites

Hi there! Hope you are doing well! Software development is fast changing work-field. In my last 28 years of IT industry career I have seen many technology changes. Whatever concepts and technologies, we were trained in the college, are rarely used. Every 6 months we find new technology, framework or programming language takes center-stage. How to cope up with this[…]

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Javascript DevTools

Hi!, Hope you are doing well. Let’s talk about few online Javascript Developers Tools. We often need to help or receive help from other developers, but it is almost very difficult to share full code with other developers. Therefore it was needed to have some online resources, where we can share the code and get help from other developers. These[…]

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Google introduces Open Source Website

Google has introduced Google Open Source Website , and opened doors to thousands of projects and million lines of code for the benefit of developers community.  The website showcases all google project initiatives, codes and release management and many more. It shows strong commitment from Google towards Open Source. Projects includes Cloud, Data Analytics, Database, Developer Tools, Games, Internet of Things,[…]

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