हिन्दी मे कैसे लिखें?

हिन्दी मे लिखना बहुत आसान है,इसके कई तरीके हैः
१) तख्ती साफ्टवेयर के द्वारा : यह एक निशुल्क साफ्टवेयर है, यहाँ से डाउनलोड करें, इस साफ्टवेयर द्वारा आप रोमन लिपि मे लिखे, और आपके स्क्रीन पर हिन्दी मे दिखेगा. अपना लेख लिखने के बाद,इसे कट ‌और पेस्ट द्वारा, आप किसी भी साफ्टवेयर मे जा सकते है, चाहे वो ब्लाग हो,इमेल हो या किसी कमेन्ट मे.
तख्ती साफ्टवेयर को दूसरी भाषाओ के लिये भी कनफिगर किया जा सकता है. अधिक जानकारी के लिये वैबसाइट देखें.
मै अपने ब्लाग लिखने के लिये तख्ती का प्रयोग करता हूँ.
२) जाल पर उपलब्ध कीबोर्ड : यदि आप कोई भी साफ्टवेयर डाउनलोड नही करना चाहते है, तो इन पन्नो पर मौजूद हिन्दी कीबोर्डस की सहायता से भी आप हिन्दी मे टाइप कर सकते है.

३) अन्य उपाय : इसके अतिरिक्त आप माइक्रोसाफ्ट आफिस का हिन्दी सपोर्ट प्रयोग कर सकते है, मैने इसका प्रयोग नही किया है, इसलिये मै इस बारे मे बताने के लिये उपयुक्त व्यक्ति नही हूँ.
इस बात का ध्यान रखें कि जो हिन्दी फोन्ट आप प्रयोग करे, वो UTF-8 काम्पेटिबल हो.
मै समझता हूँ कि उपरोक्त जानकारी आपको हिन्दी मे लिखने मे सहायता करेगी…..यदि आप कोई और सहायता चाहते है तो मुझे या मेरे हिन्दी ब्लाग के साथियों को लिखे, हमे आपकी सहायता करके प्रसन्नता होगी.
तो फिर देर किस बात की है, बनाइये अपना हिन्दी ब्लाग………………..मुझे अपने हिन्दी ब्लाग का एड्रेस भेजना ना भूलियेगा.

English Version

Writing in HINDI is quite easy. There are various ways to write hindi.
1) Using Takhti Software
This is a free software,can be downloaded from here
Using this software, you type in Roman,and software would show text in Hindi.The software provides on-screen keyboard also to help the users.More information is available on the website.
After completion of your text using Takhi, just copy and Paste this to anywhere, including Emails,Blogs,Comments etc.
I am using TAKTI to write my blogs.
One more thing…. Takhti Software can be configured to use for other languages, please go through readme documents.

2) If you do not like to download anything, you can use online Hindi Keyboard…..
available at :

3) In addition to this, you can use install MS office Hindi Support, using this you can type hindi in various applications.

I am not using this,therefore I can not tell you more about this.

Just make sure that Hindi font which you are using, must be UTF-8 compatible. For any further help you are free to contact our hindi bloggers group. We’ll be happy to help you.
So Go ahead and write your first hindi blog……Do not forget to intimate us about your hindi blog address.

<h2>Related Links : </h2>

तख्ती साफ़्टवेयर का लिंक ये रहा :

Takhti : http://www.geocities.com/hanu_man_ji/

मै बाराहा प्रयोग करता हूँ, लिंक ये रहा : http://www.baraha.com/

अन्य हिन्दी टाइपिंग टूल्स के बारे मे जानकारी इधर रही :


284 responses to “हिन्दी मे कैसे लिखें?”

  1. amita srivastava Avatar
    amita srivastava

    hello ,
    I am Amita.living in belgium;I would like to type in hindi.I do not know how and what should i do;i have windo xp.my keaboard is in english.but my mother toung is hindi.I would like to teach hindi to my children.if possible plz advice me or help me how i type in hindi alfabet in microsoft word.some time i would like a letter for my family in hindi but i am unable to type in word document on computer in hindi.
    if possible plz zxplain me .
    I shall be very greatfull to you;
    thanks once again .
    looking forword
    Amita srivastava

  2. om prakash yadav Avatar

    mai om prakash yadav hun mera ghar nepal hai our mai apne bareme kuchh aap logoko kahana chahata hun ki mera koi khoishe hai jo abhi tak kisine bhi pura nahi kar saka meri khoishe ye hai ke mai chahata hun ku ki koi ek website kole lekin kaise kholenge o mujhe malum hi nahi hai kripaya karke ye bat our ye kam aap kardoge agar kardoge to bahut bahut meharbani hogi.
    thank you .
    om prakash yadav

  3. sunil kumar Avatar
    sunil kumar

    dear sir,
    kindly send me hindi writing software takthi link,

  4. Saurabh Kumar Mishra Avatar


    आपका परिचय पढके जो आनन्द की अनुभूति हुई है उसे व्यक्त करने मे कठिनाई महसूस कर रहा हूं । अंग्रेज़ी में स्नातक एवं स्नातकोत्तर करते हुए हिन्दी से जैसे नाता ही समाप्त हुआ जाता था । बरसों बीत गये हिन्दी का स्वाद चखे हुए । आपका पन्ना पढ कर जैसे मुंह में भाषा का रसोस्वाद ताज़ा सा हो गया ।

    आता रहूंगा…

    आपके भाई समान
    सौरभ कुमार मिश्रा

  5. मनोज कुमार गुप्त Avatar
    मनोज कुमार गुप्त

    जितेन्द्र जी, आपका पन्ना पढ कर आनन्द आया। ईश्वर हिन्दी की सहायता करे।

  6. हिमान्शु मोहन Avatar
    हिमान्शु मोहन

    प्रिय जितेन्द्र भाई
    नमस्कार |आप का ब्लॉग या चिट्ठा पढकर पहली बार यूनिकोड-८ मेँ टाइप कर रहा हूँ| हिन्दी के लिए आपका प्रेम इन्फेक्शस है| अब यह रोग मुझे भी लग गया है| मुलाकात यहाँ होती रहेगी|
    सस्नेह आपका
    हिमान्शु मोहन

  7. al jaber Avatar
    al jaber

    आपका परिचय पढके जो आनन्द की अनुभूति हुई है उसे व्यक्त करने मे कठिनाई महसूस कर रहा हूं । अंग्रेज़ी में स्नातक एवं स्नातकोत्तर करते हुए हिन्दी से जैसे नाता ही समाप्त हुआ जाता था । बरसों बीत गये हिन्दी का स्वाद चखे हुए । आपका पन्ना पढ कर जैसे मुंह में भाषा का रसोस्वाद ताज़ा सा हो गया ।

  8. s kyadav Avatar
    s kyadav

    Dear sir,
    I trying to make hindi document like power point, excel , word and email in hindi for students. but I’ m getting always problem like not proper typing and not see the hindi mattar without change the font. while i know the kurtidev in typing speed. plz understand my problem and help me I can spend some money to purcheging that software which can provide the spell checker and type and see every thing with one font like english. if it’s possible plz help me becouse don’t abc of software and hardware ablebility.
    one hindi man

  9. रवि Avatar

    Hello Mr. HK Yadav

    I understand that, all you need is Microsoft Office
    Hindi (MS Office

    This will solve your all problem. It has built in Hindi Spell checker, 7
    types of Hindi Keyboard including Remington(Krutidev), and never need to
    adjust fonts frequently – it will display Hindi in all applications –
    word-powerpoint-email – etc.


    जीतू भाई, आपके इस पोस्ट पर पॉर्न कमेंट घुस आया है .कृपया उसे निकाल बाहर करें – रवि

  10. ehm Avatar

    renuka suneira devi

  11. akash Avatar

    Give me Hindi font

  12. pramod Avatar

    very good site for hindi users

  13. Anil Patil Avatar
    Anil Patil

    Dear sir,
    I want to write in Hindi & Marathi will you please mail or suggest me any sofware related to that. This will be helpful to me to my soscial service.
    Thanks & Regards

  14. Meenu Avatar

    please send me hindi software

  15. Awijit Avatar

    how to use takhti

  16. gautam Avatar

    Use this link to down load takhti


  17. shayari Avatar

    I know Hindi typing but How do I put in on website so that it appears to users also in Hindi ? In MS word , I can do by choosing hindi font and thats it..

  18. some Avatar

    I know hindi typing but how can I type it in webbrowser? In ms word I cn do that by choosing hindi fonts.

    but how to here so that everyone see it in HIndi ?

  19. jitendra dwivedi Avatar
    jitendra dwivedi

    sir ji namaste.

    sir i m also jitendra. it’s good. u r my big brother. sir i have windows 98. how i use hindi keyboard . i have cammand in rementin hindi key board. so please help.

  20. bipin pandey Avatar

    mujhe pad kar achcha laga isey download karne ke baad kya yeh doosrey computer par khul sakta hai????
    Bipin pandey

  21. sonia Avatar

    Dear sir,

    I need hindi keyboard format for type
    for hindi project in my computer.
    please send downloadable hindi keyboard
    software urgently.
    Thanking you
    yours truely,

  22. Tarun Avatar

    इसके लिये आप इस लिंक को देखिये, आप को सबकुछ मिल जायेगा जो आप चाहती हैं


    आप चाहें तो यहाँ रजिस्टर करके भी भाग ले सकती हैं और या बगैर रजिस्टर हुए, अपने सवाल ढूँढ सकती हैं


  23. Ricky Avatar

    मैंने एक पाठ तैयार किया हैं जोकि आपको देवनागरी मैं इटंरनेट पर प्रयोग करना सिखाता है एंव जो लोग देवनागरी को टाइपराईटर पर प्रयोग करना जानते हैं उनके लिये बहुत उपयोगी रहेगा

    पता है –


  24. deepak gautam Avatar
    deepak gautam

    u r site is good
    but u don not clear how to down load ur takhti software
    plz send me link of Takhti Software

  25. mandhata singh Avatar
    mandhata singh

    blog mein panjikrit hona chhahta hoon. kaise hoga kripya batayein.


  26. Md. Jony Avatar
    Md. Jony

    I am from Bangladesh.

    I love India & Hindi language.

    I can type hindi language but I have not hindi typing software.

    Please Give me a easy Hindi typing software.

    Please Reply the Massage and give me a easy Hindi typing software.

    Best regards
    From Bangladesh.

  27. suresh mokal Avatar
    suresh mokal

    i want marathi software pl. sent me

  28. najmun Avatar

    plz tell in detail how to download the takhti and send me an easy hindi software.

  29. Satya Dev Singh Roy Avatar
    Satya Dev Singh Roy

    Dear Sir, I Read Your Document & I Interested On It & I Need This Software. so You Kindly Send Me This Software On My E-Mail Address Immediately.

  30. Yuv Avatar

    well this is a very interesting site
    i will hope that someone could help us to learn Hindi trough a good spell checker or by providing a list of word as you type with the translation by it side in most of the keybord type
    and by the way did anyone of you used Bhartiya Bhasha Kosh
    the site show about 27 mb
    but when downloade it is about 15 mb
    and it also do not show the words inside in hindi fonts

  31. sonu gupta Avatar
    sonu gupta

    hindi keyboard se hindi type karne ka koi software ho to software donload ka link bhej do

  32. puneet Avatar

    hindi keyboard ki english keyboard se tulna karne par d ki jagah hindi ka ka hota hai e ke place par ma hota hai .
    mujhe is tarah ka software ka link bhej do jisme yeh ward kam karte hai

  33. जीतू Avatar

    For those who need more help on Hindi Editors and various other help, please visit following sites


    Jitendra Chaudhary

  34. Yuv Avatar

    hi any one of you using ileap
    i wanted to know if you can type the symbol AUM in it and how?

  35. piyoosh kumar kundan Avatar

    i am student , you must awrite .my qustion,
    can you teach me about a computer

  36. MPKN - PAKISTAN Avatar

    I want to learn HINDI with confidence. would u like to send me a software or link or keyboard to use in ms office(english) or seperately in (Hindi)

    thank u

  37. Rakesh Pasbola Avatar
    Rakesh Pasbola

    mein hindi me Narad or Kuruti dev me typing janta hoon lekin ye kayi wesite support nahi karti. jaise google talk ya orkut or bhi anya site hai. kirpiya mujhe batayein ki kese narad font in sites par deekhega. ya support karega

  38. रवि Avatar

    क़ैफ़ेहिन्दी टाइपिंग औजार इस्तेमाल करें. उसमें रेमिंगटन हिन्दी में (कृतिदेव फ़ॉन्ट जैसा) यूनिकोड टाइप करने की सुविधा है.

    http://cafehindi.com से यह औजार डाउनलोड करें

  39. sanjay Avatar

    i want to download hindi kurtidev font in my computer

  40. Manash Roy Avatar
    Manash Roy

    I want to download hindi kurtidev font in my computer

  41. brajesh kataria Avatar
    brajesh kataria

    main takhi software download nahi kar paa raha , meri sahayat kare

  42. arjun Avatar

    I want to download hindiwriting software in my computer

  43. SATISH K. JHA Avatar

    Kindly send programme for kurtidev font

  44. shravan Avatar

    u can also use this helpful site http://www.quillpad.in
    to convert words typed directly in english to hindi script.

  45. saurabh kumar Avatar

    how i write saurabh kumar and ajit singh bhardwaj in hindi, and hows it look

  46. bimal Avatar

    i love hindi

  47. पवन कुमार Avatar
    पवन कुमार

    मुझे मंगल फोन्ट चाहिए लेकिन बिना इन्सटोलर का only font file I need।
    कृप्या बताएँ कैसे मिल सकता है?

  48. Rajpal Avatar
  49. Sanjay Kumar Yadav -Raju Avatar

    आपका परिचय पढके जो आनन्द की अनुभूति हुई है उसे व्यक्त करने मे कठिनाई महसूस कर रहा हूं । आपका पन्ना पढ कर जैसे मुंह में भाषा का रसोस्वाद ताज़ा सा हो गया ।
    want to download hindi kurtidev font in my computer

    सस्नेह आपका
    Skumar Raju yadav

  50. nesar ansari Avatar
    nesar ansari

    i want to download free kurti dev 10 font so please sent me this font.

  51. dinesh Avatar

    sir please sent me hindi font

  52. abhishek Avatar

    i want to download free kurti dev 10 font so please sent me this font.

  53. bimal Avatar

    I want to download free kurti dev 10 font so please sent me this font

  54. pushpender Avatar

    i am lookig for a hindi software in which i just type in english and it automatically write in the hindi. and please tell me the steps to download it. I tried to download takhti but unable to understand the steps. coz i dowloaded it but did not work. I need your help as soon as possible;
    thanking you.

  55. Rajendra yadaw Avatar

    I am Rajendra yadaw of Jhabua M.P and I am 60 Year old man . I know English typing . I Know Hindi typing on old Hindi Key board which start as Ba,Ka,Ma,Na, Ja, . Probelem is how can get this key board on my P.C .Pl advice me what software is available in market.

  56. amit khadpe Avatar
    amit khadpe


  57. amol Avatar

    i wanna software which canedit in marathi

  58. Dalip Avatar

    main hindi me type nahi kar pa rah hu.
    kaise me easily type kar sakta hu.
    pls, mujhe bataeyaga.

  59. santhosh kumar.A Avatar

    sir please send me hindi free download softwares iam a hindi teacher i want to prepare documents in hindi.

  60. REKHA Avatar

    i wanna software for writing in hindi on word

  61. Haris Avatar

    i wanna hindi writing software i really need this software pleasse send this software i shall b very thankfull for you.THANK YOU

  62. Haris Avatar

    i really need this software THANK YOU

  63. Rishabh sah Avatar
    Rishabh sah

    i m Rishabh sah. i wanna know that hindi typing then how is the proces pls send me in my E-mail Address …….shahidrahul38@gmail.com. thanks a lot ….

    Rishabh sah

  64. Gaurav Avatar

    main choti ee ki matra nahi banaa paa rahaaa hoon. kaise karooon??????

  65. saurabh jain Avatar
    saurabh jain

    plz send me a hindi typing software as soon as possible

  66. saurabh jain Avatar
    saurabh jain

    plz send me a hindi typing s/w as soon as possible


  67. pawan Avatar

    Please send me typing s/w as soon as possible.


  68. Bhairu lal Gurjar Avatar

    Plz Send me Hindi Sof.

  69. Faizan Avatar

    sir I use mobile 9300 cold i able to use hindi in it . if yes send s/w

  70. Charanjeet singh Avatar
    Charanjeet singh

    thanks now i will try to type hindi as english
    चरनजित सिघ मै अपका धनय वाद कर्ता हु कि आप्ने

  71. Rajendra yadaw Avatar

    Mujhe hindi typing old keyboard jo 1975 ke pahle prachlit tha ka touch method se aata hai mai us key board ka layout chahta hu us layout me a=ba,s=ka,d=ma,f=ma,g=ja hindi me aata tha yah sofwar ya programme kaise uplabeh hoga mail kare

  72. Raja Avatar

    I want kurtidev 10 software. So please send me emaditly.


    hello sir,
    i want a hindi font, so that i write in hindi in ms office, word, excel, corel, and in other documents,
    please send me fonts as far as possible,
    thanking you,


    hello sir,

    i want a hindi font KURTI DEV 10, so that i write in hindi in ms office, word, excel, corel, and in other documents,

    please send me fonts as far as possible,

    thanking you,

  75. Navneet Avatar

    Please provide url to download Takhti Software. Does it works with Microsoft Office?
    Thanks in advance

  76. Navneet Avatar

    Thanks, Got the Takhti Software by searching on Google. But I couldn’t get how to write “Shri” in Hindi. Please Guide.

    Truly a wonder software


  77. Deepak Rai Avatar
    Deepak Rai

    सर जी मुझे भी हिनदी मे लिखना अस्सहा लगता हे। ये देखो।

  78. kailash Avatar

    maine ek sapna dekha jisme mujhko…..

  79. kailash Avatar

    mene ramayan ko pada hai jisme shri ram ki gathaa ka gungan kiya gayaa hai.

  80. Rajendra yadaw Avatar

    Mujhe Hindi typing ka software chahiye jo 1985 ke pahle Prachalit tha. Jisme English ke a= hinndi ka “ba” s= ja, d=ma ,f=na, g=Ja type hota tha. main yeh sofrware chahata hu Kaise va Kahan milenga guide kare . Mera E Mail Address yadavrajendra@rocketmail.com Hai Krpapiya Mail kare.

  81. shyam kashyap Avatar
    shyam kashyap

    iam not a write hindi language so i request i am typing english and looking to hindi.keyboard typing shyam and so look hindi .
    sir pls healp me


  82. shyam kashyap Avatar

    sir ,
    pls give me ans my mail

  83. sanjeet Avatar


    i want a hindi font KURTI DEV 10, so that i write in hindi in ms office, word, excel, corel, and in other documents,

    please send me fonts as far as possible in my email- sanjeet_3367@rediffmail.com

    thanking you,
    sanjeet- 9910985128

  84. vinod kumar Avatar
    vinod kumar

    Vinod kumar on September 23rd, 2008 at 4:20

    Mujhe Hindi typing ka software chahiye jo 1985 ke pahle Prachalit tha. Jisme English ke a= hinndi ka “ba” s= ja, d=ma ,f=na, g=Ja type hota tha. main yeh sofrware chahata hu Kaise va Kahan milenga guide kare . Mera E Mail Address kvinod29@rediffmail.com Hai Krpapiya Mail kare.

  85. रवि Avatar

    विनोद कुमार जी, क्या आप अक्षर या शब्दरत्न सॉफ़्टवेयर की बात कर रहे हैं जो डॉस पर चलता था?

  86. Arun Sharma Avatar
    Arun Sharma

    dear sir,
    kindly send me hindi writing software takthi link,

  87. prakash bhatt Avatar
    prakash bhatt

    i want to hindi font kuruti dev how can i download this font please help me.

  88. harendra Avatar

    dear sir,
    kindly send me hindi writing software takthi link,

  89. जीतू Avatar

    तख्ती साफ़्टवेयर का लिंक ये रहा :

    Takhti : http://www.geocities.com/hanu_man_ji/

    मै बाराहा प्रयोग करता हूँ, लिंक ये रहा : http://www.baraha.com/

    अन्य हिन्दी टाइपिंग टूल्स के बारे मे जानकारी इधर रही :


  90. Pushpraj Avatar

    kya koi aisa software hai jisse onscreen hindi typing kar sakte hoo

  91. shreram Avatar

    i want to know how to send message in hindi from yahoomail compose

  92. deepak Avatar

    hello friends i want a software which convert unicode font in truetype and can be use in pagemaker 6 ….any one plz send me link to download

  93. vipin Avatar

    apki information kaafi kaam ki sidha huyee. aur sabse badhiya laga apka parichay.
    sir plz visit my blog and give your remarks, suggessions.


    vipin’s last blog post..

  94. pappusingh_123 Avatar

    i want to hindi typing so please help me.

  95. Prem Avatar

    I want to a hind typing software. Please send me a hindi typing software.

  96. ANAND TAMTA Avatar


  97. Arun Kumar Jha Avatar

    main bhi anya logon ki tarah achhi dejine ka blog banana chahta hun madad karen.

  98. sanjay khare Avatar
    sanjay khare

    pahali bar page dekha aacha laga.. best wishes for future.

  99. Arpita Avatar

    i want free download of naveet and mangal fonts to work in pagemaker 6.5 and 7
    plz send me links for that

  100. Bhanu Avatar

    आपका लेख बहुत बडीया लगा, कोइ कीबोरड का उदाहरण होगा, जीससे मदद मिल सके. पहले पहल बहुत मुशकील है लिखना.

  101. julimatuk Avatar

    sir, aapse इतने sawal puche जाते हैं. फिर मेरा भी puchna ठीक नहीं लगता लेकिन एक urgent sawal है. क्या walkman chankya -902 का कोई ऐसा converter है जो उसे puri तरह unicode में convert कर दे?

  102. Lalit Kumar Avatar
    Lalit Kumar

    i want free download narad हिंदी font

  103. Dilip Kumar Kundu Avatar
    Dilip Kumar Kundu

    mai dilip kr kundu hindi typwriting sikh raha hu at Dept. of Official Language main. But I am not able to get APS Corporate 2000 ++ Software to do this Hindi typing in my own m/c Any body can collect the said software pls inform my emails. thansk

  104. vIKASH Avatar

    Dear Sir,

    Please send हिंदी Type Writing free software.

    थैंक्स & Regards,

    Vikash Agarwal.

  105. Vineet Avatar

    हम इस पल यहाँ होना न हो कल कहा रहेंगी सदा यहाँ प्यार की ये दस्तना रहेंगे सदा युही ये जमी अस्मा

  106. Anita Avatar

    प्लेअसे लेट me क्नोव हाउ तो टाइप इन हिंदी(कंप्यूटर)

  107. devendra patel Avatar

    मुझे गर्व है की यह हिंदी लिखना कितना good hai

  108. devendra patel Avatar

    Dear Sir,

    Please send हिंदी Type Writing free software.

    थैंक्स & Regards
    devendra patel
    .-= devendra patel´s last blog ..अफ़ग़ानिस्तान युद्ध उचित: ओबामा =-.

  109. kishor Avatar

    dear sir,
    kindly send me hindi writing software takthi link,

  110. kishor Avatar

    तख्ती साफ़्टवेयर का लिंक ये रहा :

    Takhti : http://www.geocities.com/hanu_man_ji/

    सर…यह लिंक वर्क नहीं करता है.

  111. Aamir Avatar

    सर मैं हार्डवर करना चाहता हूँ मैं डेल्ही से करूँ या हय्द्राबाद से मुझे बताइए तहन्क्यौ

  112. Aamir Avatar

    sir मैं मोबाइल से इन्टरनेट पर कल करना चाहता हूँ मैं क्या करूँ मैं मऊनाथ भंजन से हूँ आप मेरी मदद करो

  113. hariom Avatar

    hello please provide me link of takhti software

  114. Rajesh kumar Avatar

    i m Rajesh from m.s dhoni city


  115. vishal mahoday Avatar
    vishal mahoday

    मै एक टायपिस्ट हु | मै स्टाम्प सही तरीके से लिखने के लिए मदद चाहता हु | मुजे यकींन है की यहाँ मुजे मदद मिलेगी

  116. adesh kumar pankaj Avatar

    यह वास्तव में एक बहुत अच्छी जगह है . जहाँ से हम अपने विचारों को दूसरों तक भेज सकते हैं और दूसरों के विचारों से अपने को लाभ पहुंचा सकते हैं .मैं आपसे मंगल देवनागरी फॉण्ट को लोड करने का तरीका जानना चाहता हूँ आशा है मदद करेंगे और इसके साथ ही मेरे ब्लॉग को खूबसूरत करने के लिए अपने सुझाव देगे .
    आदेश कुमार पंकज
    .-= adesh kumar pankaj´s last blog ..मुक्त्तक =-.

  117. shivsingh Avatar

    hello sir namskar
    aapka blog dekhakar vahoot achha laga
    soch raha hoon kyon na main bhi ek hindi blog likhun
    .-= shivsingh´s last blog ..Free Photo Pos Pro photo editor =-.

  118. dipensingh Avatar

    इ वांट तो लीर्ण हिंदी टाइपिंग प्ल्ज़ हेल्प में

    1. Jitendra Chaudhary Avatar
      Jitendra Chaudhary

      Try baraha IME http://www.baraha.com

  119. rahul agarwal Avatar
    rahul agarwal

    sir namaskar kripya mujhe hindi ka typing software bhej de mujhe iski bahut jarurat hai

  120. nikhil Avatar

    how do i type bada ouu in kruti dev…having a lot of difficulties….plz help me out..will be greatful to you..!!

  121. Dharminder Avatar

    Thanx Dear,
    आप के सोफ्तवेयर ने मुझे लिखने का मौका दिया है अब मै आसानी से लिख सकता हु.

  122. Gajendra singh Avatar
    Gajendra singh

    mee aapki hindi ki jankari padhkar bahut khus huaa…thankyou.
    Gajendra singh

  123. mohini Avatar

    I want hindi font software in my mail account

  124. Ambarish Srivastava Avatar

    हिंदी टाइपिंग संबंधी जानकारी देने के लिए आपका बहुत-बहुत आभार ………
    –अम्बरीष श्रीवास्तव

  125. bhushan Avatar

    kindly send me hindi writing software takthi link,

  126. waqar ahmad Avatar
    waqar ahmad

    Dear sir i live in pakistan.i want to learn hindi please send me a link of very good hindi software on my email adress

  127. Arvind Thori Avatar
    Arvind Thori

    श्री मान जी, धन्यवाद ! आपकी सहायता से मैने बाराह डाउनलोड करके हिन्दी में टाईपिंग करना सीख लिया है । शीघ्र ही आपके आशिर्वाद व सहयता से हिन्दी में ब्लोग लिखुंगा ।

  128. KESHAV Avatar




  129. shamshu zoha mallick Avatar

    main ek hindi samachar patra “AZAD HIND SAMACHAR” ka sahayek sampadak hun, hindi typing ka mere saath sabse bada masla hai, main ek aise softwere ki talash me hun jis,se hindi aasani se type kiya ja sake,
    kirpa kar iska aasan sa koi upaye batayen, taki aasani se hum jaise log aasani se type kar saken.

  130. Saeed Khan Avatar
    Saeed Khan

    I am writing hindi using Shivaji01 font,,,got all the things to write except one….
    Sir can u plz tell me which key is used to put dot below any letter like we write for(za)
    plz reply soon its urgent for me

  131. Suresh Avatar


    I am Suresh. A Hindi tutor and translator from Chennai. I spent 30 years in Bihar. I served a US NGO for 29 years in India and abroad. I teach online.

    Attn.: Amitajee: Use www,google transliteration . If you type Hindi words in English, you can see Hindi words on your computer screen can as well have a print out.

    For teaching children, check at these sites.


    If any one of you want to learn Hindi on line from me, please contact

    cell No.91 9840643690

  132. Ravinder Murthy Avatar
    Ravinder Murthy


    I came across your blog today and believe me it made an interesting reading. But I was also also a bit dissapointed becaue none of the links provided by you works. the “Takhthi” link, Akshargaram Link, Cafe hindi link etc; are not working. The akshargram Link takes you to a Apache Server Page with lots of Administrative Info, The takhthi link shows a 404 error page and so on. I request you yo look into the links and correct them.


    Ravinder Murthy
    Mangalore, Karnataka, India

    1. Jitendra Chaudhary Avatar
      Jitendra Chaudhary

      @Ravinder Murty,
      Thanks for the comment

      Actually most of the links were on Akshargram server, which is unfortunately down for a long time.

      Takhti was hosted on geocities, which was shut down by yahoo, quite some time ago.

      Latest link of takhti is : http://www.oocities.com/hanu_man_ji/

      alternatively you can try BARAHA IME : http://baraha.com/

      Thanks again for visiting my blog and shown you interest.
      Keep visiting, Keep commenting

      Jitendra Chaudhary

  133. Manoj Talwar Avatar

    नमस्ते जीतू भाई,

    मुझे आपका लिंक गूगल पर सर्च करते हुए मिला । आपका हिन्दी पन्ना मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगा । आपके ब्लॉग में राष्ट्रभाषा हिन्दी के कंप्यूटर प्रयोग से संबंधित बहुत सारी महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी है । मैंने भी कुछ समय पहले अपना ब्लॉग शुरू किया है । फ़िलहाल अपने ब्लॉग पर मैं हिंग्लिश (हिन्दी अंग्रेज़ी दोनों मिला कर) लिखता हूँ । हिन्दी की टाइपिंग के लिये मैं ये लिंक इस्तेमाल करता हूँ –
    इससे पहले मैं quillpad.in से हिन्दी लिखता था पर अब मुझे यूनिनागरी ज़्यादा बढ़िया लगता है ।
    मेरे ब्लॉग का लिंक है –

    आपके हिन्दी भाषा के लिये किये गये अथक प्रयासों का आभारी !

    आपका एक ब्लॉग रीडर,


  134. vandana Avatar

    i want to learn how to type in Hindi.i am a Hindi student so it will be more benefit for me


    Dear Sir,
    I would like to type in hindi.I do not know how and what should i do;i have windo xp.my keaboard is in english.but my mother toung is hindi.I would like to teach hindi to my children.if possible plz advice me or help me how i type in hindi alfabet in microsoft word.some time i would like a letter for my family in hindi but i am unable to type in word document on computer in hindi.
    if possible plz zxplain me .
    I shall be very greatfull to you;
    thanks once again .
    looking forword

  136. hasan Avatar

    please send me easy hindi typing software and english to hindi converter.
    Thank’s & Regards

  137. Prasanta Gangopadhyay Avatar
    Prasanta Gangopadhyay

    I use to stay at jaipur, here is everything is in Hindi. Frantically want a hindi software. without this I cannot work here. Pl send me. as soon as possible.

    Prasanta Gangopadhyay
    ( presently at Jaipur)

  138. mithun sahu Avatar

    आप APS CORPORATE २००० ++ सॉफ्टवेर के बारे मैं बताये

    जनार्दन अवस्थी

  140. डॉ. दलसिंगार यादव Avatar

    मैं ‘राजभाषा विकास परिषद’ नामक संस्था से जुड़ा हूं और लोगों को कंप्यूटर द्वारा हिंदी में संपूर्ण काम करना सिखाता हूं। मेरी संस्था नागपुर में है और हर माह एक कार्यक्रम आयोजित करता हूं। अगला कार्यक्रम अक्तूबर में 18-22 तक है।
    मैं आपके पन्ने पर आज पहली बार गया और पाया कि आप तो बहुत अच्छा और सराहनीय काम कर रहे हैं। मैं भी इसमें कुछ योगदान करना चाहता हूं। अतः मैं चाहता हूं कि कंप्यूटर पर हिंदी में काम करने में आने वाली कठिनाइयों के बारे में राजभाषा विकास परिषद की साइट ‘सुझाव दें’ मद पर व ब्लॉग ‘http://rajbhashavikasparishadnag.blogspot.com’ पर टिप्पणी के रूप में प्रश्न भेजें। मैं उनका युक्ति संगत और मानक उत्तर दूंगा।

  141. ritz Avatar

    how to post a hindi post on blogger?

    sir.. blog pe hindi post karne ke liye kaise kaam karei?
    please jaldi reply kijiye. humei jaroorat hai.

    email address: c.enginium2011@gmail.com

  142. Santhosh Ananthapura Avatar
    Santhosh Ananthapura

    Hi all,

    pls try this http://www.quillpad.in


    in this we can type Hindi very easily. not only Hindi but also 8 other Indian languages.

    try this and share your experience.


    Santhosh Ananthapura

  143. Manish Avatar

    You can write in hindi using http://www.hindieditor.com

    There are plenty of examples there, also there is a keyword that will let you know which key to press for which hindi character.

  144. Aditya Avatar

    Still no answer for how to type “Shr” i.e. “Shri” as in Shri-Krishna, Shrinivaas, or Shrivastav etc.

  145. free spirit Avatar

    is acchi jaankari ki liye bahut bahut dhaanywaad….bahut dino se hindi mein kaise likhu iski jaankari dhoond rahi thi…..infact is jaankari ke baad aaj phehla post bhi dala….ek baar phir dhaanywaad….apni bhasha se bhehtar aur koi maadhyam ho nahi sakta….

  146. kashif Avatar

    Bhai Merey, Geocities to ab khatam hogae he, ab Hindi Takhti kaha se download kregy????

  147. Aditya Avatar

    I found the solution of “How to write ‘Shri’ in hindi:

    Simply mix ‘श’ with ‘र’, i.e. first type ‘श’ they press ‘d’ to halve the letter, then type ‘र’, following are some example:

    हिन्दी के विषेश अक्षरों को टाइप करने के नुस्खे-

    क्ष – क् ष ( k d Shift+, )
    श्र – श् र ( Shift+m d j )
    ड़ – ( AltGr+[ )
    ज़ – ( AltGr+p )

    I use SuSE-Linux 11, that come with ‘hindi’ keyboard by default.
    All the best

    (See also: http://www.bkwsu.org website.)

  148. Aditya Avatar

    Hi all,

    Ref: To type in hindi.

    If you find it difficult to change the keyboard-layouts in your operating-system, then you can use google’s translation service to type in hindi. (www.google.com/transliterate)

    This is one of the easiest way to type hindi, please note here that you don’t need any experience of hindi-typing, since you can simply type hindi in english (latin-script) and when you press ‘space-bar’, google with translate into hindi (devnaagari-script).

    To send email in hindi, type hindi in google-translater and they simply copy-paste it in your email, and that’s it.


  149. Asghar Hasnain Rizvi Avatar
    Asghar Hasnain Rizvi

    kya koi aisa free software hai jo mangal font ko kurtidev me convert kar deta hai
    please mujhe uski bahut zaroorat hai meri sahayta karen

  150. siddhant bajpai Avatar

    aap ki hindi tiping bahut mazedar thi magr huje hindi typing ka key bord chahiye

  151. Yash Avatar

    Hindi Guruji Pranaam,

    Apke ye saare prayatn dekh kar bahoot achha laga. Kripya meri ek samasya ko suljhane ka kast karein.

    Main Walkman-hindi-18 mein type karna chahta hu par usme ‘sh’aur pet kata adha ‘s’ type nahi hota hai. uske liye kya karein? Margdarshan karein.



  152. vijaysingh Avatar

    I am vijay.living in punjab;I would like to type in hindi.I do not know how and what should i do;i have windo xp.my keaboard is in english.but my mother toung is hindi.I would like to teach hindi to my children.if possible plz advice me or help me how i type in hindi alfabet in microsoft word.some time i would like a letter for my family in hindi but i am unable to type in word document on computer in hindi.
    if possible plz zxplain me .
    I shall be very greatfull to you;
    thanks once again .
    looking forword

  153. mahavir vaishnav Avatar
    mahavir vaishnav

    me hindi sikhaan chahta hu kripya shayta kare

  154. Deepak Verma Avatar
    Deepak Verma

    me hindi ki typing sikhan chahta hu, please help me

  155. Mr.Awadhesh Kumar Avatar

    Mujhe NTPC mein Computer Technition mein kaam karne ke liye ek application kaise kare kirpya mujhe bataen danyavad

  156. kameshwar Avatar

    main hindi ki typing sikhana chahta huin, please help me

  157. chetan Avatar

    I want in Hindi font of Mangal Please sent to me keyboard

  158. deep Avatar

    mere pass hindi main kuch news hai. word main to sahi formate dikha raha hai. per jab main use website per copy karke paste karta houn to (jktusrkvksa ds uke fy[ks bl [kqys i=k esa ns’k ds bu ‘kh”kZLFk izcq) O;fDr;ksa us ,d ds ckn ,d [kqyrs ?kksVkyksa vkSj blds dkj.k iz’kklfud ) ese dikhata hai. main kon se font main type karu ki meri website per bhi paste karne ke baad sahi dikhaye. jab main net se koi hindi typed matter uthata houn to wo bilkul sahi ata hai. please help me.

  159. changez khan Avatar
    changez khan

    Hello sir,
    please mujhe hindi font de dijiye jisme indian carancy shabd aata ho. aur us font ka naam bhi bata dijiya please.

  160. Raj Avatar

    I want hindi typing master software.so plz send me link.
    Dear sir,
    aapka sabki itni help krte ho, i think u great person. ap hmesha khush rhe,sir m bus hindi typing to aati h but or better sikhna chahta hu so ap mujhe hindi typing download bej de,maine bhut searh kiya h,nut mila nhi. ap help kr do plz,
    sir i want to good job, so esme me help krna,
    thanking you
    your faithfully

  161. गंगाधर तिवारी Avatar
    गंगाधर तिवारी

    मैंने हालही में राजभाषा विकास परिषद नागपुर से एक सप्‍ताह का प्रशिक्षण प्राप्‍त किया है. पहले मैं यूनिकोड का नाम सुनकर अटपटा महसूस करता था और लीप ऑपिफस छोड़ने के लिए तैयार नही था. परंतु एक सप्‍ताह के सामान्‍य प्रयास से मैं न केवल यूनिकोड में काम करना शुरु कर दिया बल्कि अब दूसरे कंप्‍यूटरों में उसे एक्टिवेट भी करने लगा हूं. इसका श्रेय राजभाषा विकास परिषद नागपुर के डॉ.दलसिंगार यादव जी को जाता है. धन्‍यवाद डॉक्‍टर साहब. आपने जो बिगुल बजाया हे, निश्चित रूप से उसकी गूंज पूरे विश्‍व में फैलेगी.

  162. suman Avatar

    hi i m suman i m founding hindi typing software.
    because i didn”t known how to type in hindi.
    sir please i m greatful to u that if u help me.
    kam se kam website tho bhej dijyaga jaha se hum aasani se load ho jai.

  163. Rajnish Kumar Avatar

    Hi Bhai g,
    aap k hindi ko sarv sulav banane ke mishan ko jari rakhne ke bichar
    ko dekhte hua meri v Akhand Hindustan ki swpn taza ho gai.

  164. Vicky Avatar

    Mere priya Bhaiya.
    Apke ish panne ko padhakr kafi jaankari mili aur kafi kuch janne ki ichcha rakhta hoon. apne jo bhi kiya apne bhartiya sabhyata ke liye kafi badi baat hai. bhagwan aapko khush rakhe.

    Apka mitra/Bhai

  165. krishna gopal sinha Avatar

    I want a hindifont to be typed in roman and compatible for conversion to any other hindi fonts. For example the text in Mangal can be cut and paste in krutidev 010 or any other font in that category.


  166. deep singh Avatar


    change your font here

    mail me if you have any other query (nwebprocess@gmail.com)


  167. Mahesh Barmate Avatar

    I’ve 2 blogs in hindi

    I’m agree to ur post. n i always use blogger to type in hindi in my blog. but whenver i wanna send my post to any hindi web-magazine they say that the post shud be in Mangal font n in word (.doc) format. Now please suggest me how to use Mangal font in office 2007 to type in hindi =, and plz suggest how can the BARAHA software help me for this..

    thank you…

  168. anita Avatar

    i dont know how i use english key board in kruti dev .

  169. aarti devi Avatar
    aarti devi

    sir please requst in written in M.S.Paint,M.S.Word,M.S.Excel,M.S.Powerpoint.
    please sir answer imeditently in my E.mail

  170. anita Avatar

    i want help to write kruti dev. Like how to write [tha]

  171. tilak Rai Avatar
    tilak Rai

    main hindi ki typing sikhana chahta huin, please help me

  172. pankaj kumar singh Avatar

    yar mujhe google english to hindi typing software ki need hai koi mera help kar skta hai

  173. ayesha Avatar

    mahindi likhna chati hun lafz kis jaga se start hota ha kase likhte hain plz send alphabet video

  174. jitender Avatar

    hello sir
    this is jitender i want to type in hindi but i don’t no how to imagne the words on keyboard so that there is very difficult to perform the words in hindi
    kindly request you to send the link of hindi typing software
    i will be very grateful to you
    thanks and regards

  175. Rabindra Avatar

    I am unable to write half sa in hindi in ms word. Can you just help me out in this problem. For example dosti in hindi. wating for your reply.

  176. ritika Avatar

    hello sir,
    this is ritika,i ve just started my blog in hindi,i need ur guidence sir,so pls follow my blog and pls guide me on my mistakes,thankyou.

  177. deepak Avatar

    plz sir send me hindi typing ka software .

  178. Nilima Avatar

    Kindly send me hindi to marathi translator free software.

  179. murari lal Avatar

    hindi typing tuter send plz my mail

    thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

  180. ajay Avatar

    dier sir
    mujhey hindi typin karni hai so mujhey koi hindi softwair bataye

  181. NITIN SHARMA Avatar

    plz tell in detail how to download the takhti and send me an easy hindi software …. sir please send me hindi free download softwares iam a hindi teacher

  182. gopal lal pancholi Avatar
    gopal lal pancholi

    anpadh bhi kare kam computer par hindi me jaise anpadh karigar banata mahal. soche ye sapna kaise ho poora taki bharat bhi jankariyon se ho bhara poora ……………………

  183. Mughees Avatar

    Sir mujhe kruti dev hindi typing tutor chahiye kese me apni hindi typing speed badau,,,,,,,,,,,, Plz help

  184. dilip Avatar

    i am dilip kumar i am leaving last 19 years in ksa i love to right in hindi and i am indian i must to know how to right hindi
    but i have no choivce because i have no any software for hindi typing please give me suggestion how can i right letters in hindi in my cumputer also my girlfrend he dont know english she know only hindi kindly please help me

    thanks a lots

  185. jyoti Avatar

    dear sir thanks for this hindi typing link. I will do by this &creat my blog soon.then Igive u my add of blog site.

  186. KAMIL REZA Avatar

    you are good.

  187. bindia kamboj Avatar
    bindia kamboj

    hindi me kaise type kare

  188. Roopsia Chakraborty Avatar
    Roopsia Chakraborty

    i would be very obliged if you could send me the usage link of dev kruti. as i have to complete my projects of hindi due to latest cce pattern of cbse. i got d font a few days back after a lot of search. but it has no use as i am not able to get the desired word from the font.

    thank you
    yours sincerely

  189. kuldip kumar Avatar
    kuldip kumar

    Dear sir
    plz send me the proper hindi typing font Because I’m working on the wrong font Next month is my Hindi typing test You’ll be grateful to the The font you send on my mail Id

  190. pari Avatar

    muje typing karna achha lagta hai .

  191. AJAY DUDI Avatar

    Apka blog bahut badhiya laga. Khaskar aapke bachpan ki yaaden.

  192. Nitesh Raj Avatar
    Nitesh Raj

    Dear sir,
    I want to write in Hindi will you please mail or suggest me any sofware related to that. This will be helpful to me to my soscial service.
    Thanks & Regards
    Nitesh Raj

  193. Nitesh Raj Avatar
    Nitesh Raj

    plz sir send me hindi typing ka software .
    Nitesh Raj

  194. Kiran Avatar

    Dear Sir,

    I am confused, using which font I can write properly words like Vidya in Hindi. I am talking about the “Dya” consonant..


  195. neha Avatar

    internet se hindi text ki copy karke word main past karne pr text nahi dikhta box box aa jate hai
    kya karu

  196. pawan Avatar
  197. numa ranjan Avatar
    numa ranjan


  198. numa ranjan Avatar
    numa ranjan

    Plz sir send me hindi typing ka software numa .

  199. sneha Avatar

    maie hindi type karna chahte hu par how plz help ???????????????????????????????????????

  200. sneha Avatar

    hey ,

    plz send softwere hindi in my id plz plz plz plz ………………………


  201. hemendra Avatar

    may hindi softwear ko download karna cahata hu please mujhe is bare me jaankari de.

  202. kuldeep Avatar

    dear Sir
    please muje hindi ka takhti soft were caheeye gis se ki me roman hindi likh kar hindi likh saku app ki ati kirpa hogi


  203. Mohd Umar Avatar

    hello mera naam Mohd Umar hain or mein Election Office mein Kaam karta hu kirpya kar ke mujhe krishna fonts ka typing tutor mail kar de

  204. Ankit Choudhary Avatar


    I want to know how type hindi because i don’t which key belong to which hindi alphate and i use hindi pad software for write hindi. I am wating for you help please tell me soon.
    Thanks Ankit

  205. pradeep kumar Avatar
    pradeep kumar

    kisi naye insaan ko agar kruti dev me type karna ho to PC me key board kaise search kiya ja sakta hai ?

  206. pradeep kumar Avatar

    kya koi meri madad kar sakta hai. main PC par key board kaise search kar sakta hoon ?

  207. ALOK KUMAR Avatar



  208. parsram verma Avatar
    parsram verma

    hello mera naam parsram verma hain or mein Election Office mein Kaam karta hu kirpya kar ke mujhe kruti dev 010 and krishna fonts ka typing tutor mail kar de

  209. prahlad prajapat Avatar
    prahlad prajapat

    dear sir
    good afternoon

    hum hindi type k bare me janna chahte h… web page k liye hindi type kaise hoti h or iske liye softwear kaha se mil sakta h…? hume hindi or english type ki jankari h . sirf web page par post k liye hindi font problem aa rahi h plz help me…


  210. ramesh chand Avatar
    ramesh chand

    i want to get hindi font

  211. Jitender kumar Avatar
    Jitender kumar

    Hello,Hi, Respected sir/Madam, This is jitender kumar.Actually, I wanna to translate in English to the sentence like this” Main ghar jana Chahata hoon”- I wanna go to home.which one this font and how to write it well?

  212. zarina babul Avatar
    zarina babul


  213. prabir kumar das Avatar
    prabir kumar das

    mujha hindi likh na hai,hindi likna kaliya (front&softwar)mera pas
    nahi hai who mujha chaia.

  214. mohammad shahid Avatar
    mohammad shahid

    when i go hindi to english translation website need to writing in hindi letter but i don’t have hindi letter key mobile i am working gulf country can’t passable to buy any hindi lanpuage mobile can you help or writing in hindi language letter by english language mobile like that have any softwear for nokiaC5-00 if have any solution kindly send link

  215. hitesh kumar Avatar

    hello sir,
    me facebook per hindi me nahi likh pata ho. kya iske liye kisi softwear ka use hota hai.

  216. gullu Avatar

    sir , saral tarike se hindi me tipe karne ka shoftwear mere mail id par bhej denge

  217. pogs Avatar

    Hindi software taping

  218. pogs Avatar

    Hindi taping software

  219. vivek Avatar

    You can download the Google Transliteratiion IME on your computers and then you can type in Hindi in virtually any software such as Word / excel etc. It uses Unicode for typeing / mangal font.
    Another fr4ee option is Micorsoft TBIL convertor to convert from common hindi fonts to another hindi font.

  220. Lalit Kumar Sharma Avatar

    I can provide various kind of fonts ttf/psfonts for windows. Please let me know if you require any one. I have seen that a lot more people are not getting the fonts easily.


  221. Rahul kumar Avatar

    dear sir

    kya aap hindi fronts ka softwear bhej denge. Mujhai kushi hogi

  222. prakash Avatar

    dear sir,
    I need only english to hindi charector converter font, i dont want software.
    plz reply me!

  223. unna Avatar

    aap ke dwara diya gya front hindi download nhi ho rha hai thank u for

  224. janmeja Avatar

    i want to convert hindi unicode matter in mangal font to any ttf font like kruti deva , or newdelhi etc. kindly advise

  225. sujan Avatar

    Please provide me Narad and Shiva Hindi Fonts, if possible. I have got some material written in these fonts, but I am not able to read due to non availability of these fonts.
    Sujan Singh
    Email- sujansingh51@gmail.com

  226. piyushdangre Avatar

    Its damn easy to write or type hindi using takhti.Check out my tutorial-

  227. Piyush Dangre Avatar

    Very good post sir. I appreciate your efforts for keeping this blog so much full of life. Typing Hindi is a sureshot way to keep our national language alive in this engish age. Lets make the web more desi, lets type hindi.!!
    Even I have launched a blog for this cause, check it out-

  228. Tanveer Ahmad Avatar
    Tanveer Ahmad

    Please provide me Shiva Hindi Fonts, if possible.
    Tanveer Ahmad.

  229. shiv charan singh Avatar
    shiv charan singh

    कृप्या करके हिन्दी लिखने के लिए कैफ हिन्दी के अलावा कौनसा software है मै हिन्दी में टाईप करना जानता हूं मै हिन्दी में कैफ का प्रयोग करता हूं किन्तु मै पेज मेंकर व word में AAtex का प्रयोग करता हूं (OFFLINE) कृप्या करके कोई एेसा software बताये जिसमें में आसानी से टाईप कर सकूं क्योकि कैफ में कई मात्राए का प्रयोग नही कर पाता हूं नेट परं
    आपका आभारी रहूगां

  230. richa Avatar

    i need to now how to put chandra bindu and ‘tra’: (shabd ke neeche jo lagta hain) while typing in hindi 🙂

  231. PARVEEZ AHAMAD Avatar


  232. beena sharma Avatar
    beena sharma

    pleassend me hindi typing softwear

  233. gaur kishor gupta Avatar

    sir, i feel u worked like a god for hindi bhasi. this software will keep all the hindustani on one stage who love matribhasha. jai hind.

  234. beena sharma Avatar
    beena sharma

    beeb sharma bewar

  235. durgesh Avatar

    mujhe computer software banana hai kaise banaye

  236. sunny Avatar

    Mujhe typing tutor in hindi version me chahiye kya sir ap mery madad kar sakte hai to kigiye aishe to mujhe nhi lagta ki ap bhi kar payiga mujhe koi aisha direct link chahiye jishe mai apni hindi ki typing ki speed bada saku,aishe upar jo link hai oh pura bakwash hai sirf nam ke liye link hai kam ke liye nhi koi hai jo mera madad krega.

  237. suman Avatar

    dear sir can u suggest me that how Can i take print out after drafting a letter in Hindi.

  238. pushpendar singh Avatar
    pushpendar singh

    Mujhe typing tutor in hindi version me chahiye kya sir ap mery madad kar sakte hai to kigiye aishe to mujhe nhi lagta ki ap bhi kar payiga mujhe koi aisha direct link chahiye jishe mai apni hindi ki typing ki speed bada saku,aishe upar jo link hai oh pura bakwash hai sirf nam ke liye link hai kam ke liye nhi koi hai jo mera madad krega

  239. neeraj Avatar

    Sir I want to know about the mangal (hindi) font shortcuts. Actually I will be having a typing test in which typing in Mangal (Hindi) font will be required. Kindly tell me the shortcut/combination keys for this font. like wise Alt + 0170.. but these types keys don’t work in mangal font. So, please help me and oblige..

  240. satish tiwari Avatar

    need hindi keyboard format for type
    for hindi project in my computer.
    please send downloadable hindi keyboard
    software urgently.
    Thanking you
    yours truely,

  241. satish tiwari Avatar

    Mujhe typing tutor in hindi version me chahiye kya sir ap mery madad kar sakte hai to kigiye aishe to mujhe nhi lagta ki ap bhi kar payiga mujhe koi aisha direct link chahiye jishe mai apni hindi ki typing ki speed bada saku,aishe upar jo link hai oh pura bakwash hai sirf nam ke liye link hai kam ke liye nhi koi hai jo mera madad krega.

  242. satish tiwari Avatar

    dear sir,
    kindly send me hindi writing software takthi link,

  243. ZAKIR Avatar

    please give me Hind font

  244. Shivnath Pandey Avatar
    Shivnath Pandey

    sir, I want to type in hindi font but don’t know which key contains which word in hindi.kindly solve my problem

  245. Basant Avatar

    Sir Hindi font Narad chahiye aur jo Windows7 me install ho jaye.

  246. S.S.PATIL BIDAR Avatar

    Dear sir
    i am a teacher pleasing to learn hindi so kindly send me hindi soft
    to my e mail id
    thanking you sir

  247. Punit Upadhyay, surajpur Avatar
    Punit Upadhyay, surajpur

    plz send me a hindi typing software as soon as possible

  248. Punit Upadhyay, surajpur Avatar
    Punit Upadhyay, surajpur

    plz send me a hindi typing software & hindi typing Chart soon as possible

  249. digvijay Avatar

    sir ji mujhe computer me hindi typing bahut speed karna chahta hu kripya meri help kare koi achha suggestion de …plz sirji

  250. vimal kumar Avatar
    vimal kumar

    muje hindi typing nahi aata hai or muje kam se kam ka speed karna hai par nahi ho pata hai iske liye kya kare koi muje batay plz

  251. abhijeet rohilla Avatar
    abhijeet rohilla

    i want a hindi font KURTI DEV 10, so that i write in hindi in ms office, word, excel, corel, and in other documents,
    please send me fonts as far as possible,
    thanking you,

  252. dushyant Avatar

    hello ,
    I am dushyant.living in belgium;I would like to type in hindi.I do not know how and what should i do;i have windo xp.my keaboard is in english.but my mother toung is hindi.I would like to teach hindi to my children.if possible plz advice me or help me how i type in hindi alfabet in microsoft word.some time i would like a letter for my family in hindi but i am unable to type in word document on computer in hindi.
    if possible plz zxplain me .
    I shall be very greatfull to you;
    thanks once again .
    looking forword
    Dushyant srivastava

  253. K.B.GUPTA Avatar

    kiya yeh software offline software hey. Ise kiya bina internet key chalaya ja sakta hai MS office 2003 per.

  254. suraj pratap singh Avatar

    bathasnaha block ,sursand road sitamarhi

  255. suraj pratap singh Avatar

    bathasnaha block ,sursand road sitamarhi,
    mujhe hindi likhene wala hindi chart chahiya

  256. suraj pratap singh Avatar

    hindi chart to my mail id pleses sir

  257. suraj pratap singh Avatar

    hindi chart ko mere mail id par send kar dijiya ka please sir

  258. Varsha Dalke Avatar

    Dear Sir,
    I want to type hindi project in ms word but i dont know hindi typing in english keyboard.So please give me any solution to hindi typing

    Varsha Dalke

  259. ravi Avatar

    plz software ke liye koi accha sa link dijiye… i am a student … so plz tel me.

  260. Mahendra Avatar

    plz send me a hindi typing software as soon as possible

  261. BASANT KUMAR Avatar

    Please help me with download software for writing in Hindi with easy hand on my PC

  262. manish Avatar

    pleas mujhe hindi typing apne system par download karna hai. pleas mujhe meri ID par bata de. bt.manishkumar@gmail.com



  263. sanjeeb kumar Avatar

    sir. please give me english to hindi waranmala all camand

    sanjeeb kumar

  264. TEJA RAM Avatar

    mujhe hindi ke mangal font ke special word chahiye- rastra, ghari, hriday, and ?

  265. RAJESH KUMAR Avatar

    I want typing master

  266. swarn vihan Avatar
    swarn vihan

    Hindi panna hindi me likhane valo ke liy vardan se kam ndahi ! Thank you for my help

  267. ejaz ahmad Avatar
    ejaz ahmad

    i trying to downlod but cant cant dowenlod this plz help me

  268. Deepak Chaudhary Avatar
    Deepak Chaudhary

    Dear sir,
    I m typing in mangal font on uncode inscription keyboard..but I hv in problem when I type DWRA and DUVITIA…sit plz help me…using mangal font….
    Deepak Chaudhary

  269. dayaram Avatar


    main computer par kurti dev o10 main type karta hun ab main chankya hindi main type karna chaahta hun maine apne desktop par chankya font instal kar liya hain magar key boad nahi hai aap se vinti hain ke use shikhne ke kya karna chaaye
    mera email id han dayaram470@gmail.com

  270. Ravindra Kumar Sharma Avatar
    Ravindra Kumar Sharma

    I need hinid software.Give me advise.
    With Best Regards
    R K Sharma

  271. anil satya Avatar
    anil satya

    I am not able to download hindi software who work in our excel or word file offline. kindly suggest the proper link.

    I want to type in roman english and convert in hindi. If any software you have please share that link.

    Thanks and Regards,


  272. alpesh k makvana Avatar

    आप कई कामो मे निशफल हो जाये तो हारना मत कयु के हम भी कुछ भी कर सकते है लेकिन हिमत मत हारना

  273. Amit Saini Avatar
    Amit Saini

    chanakya hindi font how to support in windows 7?

  274. Akash Avatar

    mera dost me ek musibath me hu ki kai madath nahi kar raha yeh aap madath karana plize

  275. Anupam Avatar

    Dear, plz tell me how to use special character in mangal font inscript in hindi

  276. mohammad tahir Avatar
    mohammad tahir

    mera computer me instal nhi ho raha takhti softwer

  277. shoaib Avatar

    एक और प्रेरक पोस्ट आप सच में बहुत अच्छा कार्य कर रहे है।

  278. Girijesh Singh Avatar
    Girijesh Singh

    Aapka kalam “कुछ मेरे बारे में ” padha,
    bahut badhiya sir, .aap great aur Normal har tarah k insan hain.
    Bahut achha laga padhake.


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